Auto insurance companies without 24/7 emergency roadside assistance can be found in the rearview mirror of insurance companies that do offer this essential service to their insured. Insurance companies that offer discounts but not 24/7 emergency roadside assistance are losing customers to their competitors. Do not get left stranded behind the pack, it’s time to offer your insured roadside help when they need it. After all, it is this experience that can make a customer for life or sadly lose one. It should go without saying that choosing a roadside provider can be a difficult task.
How do you choose the right provider that you can trust to deliver satisfactory service time after time?
For some insurance carriers, choosing a partner comes down to two options: the company capable of providing a stress-free experience and the company capable of providing a less expensive experience.

A company providing a stress-free service solution can improve customer satisfaction which often leads to added benefits like an increase in customer retention, new customers, and revenue. Although, a company that offers more affordable service can be attractive because emergency services can be expensive and promoting how much money your insured can save could lead to a boost in new customers.
If your insurance company must choose between these two options, then your insurance company hasn’t heard about National Automobile Club also referred to as NAC. Look at NAC, an emergency roadside assistance company with over 96 years of experience. Having provided millions of services, NAC is dedicated to going the extra-mile for drivers. With NAC, your auto insurance company can expect to benefit from extraordinary service at affordable prices.

NAC can access 75,000+ service providers nationwide and our network of contracted providers differentiates us from other nationwide roadside providers. NAC has wonderful relationships with our service providers, some relationships spanning decades, allowing uninterrupted 24/7 service nationwide to all vehicle classes (1-8). Our contracted vendors have agreed to provide services at discounted rates in exchange for a large volume of services, resulting in service cost-savings up to 20%.

By choosing NAC as your 24/7 emergency roadside assistance provider, your insured can get positive and affordable service when they call for help making your auto insurance company their hero. Aside from excellent service that is affordable, NAC is experienced and trusted by many insurance companies, commercial customers, and individual members. NAC has worked with a variety of insurance companies with different auto policies like personal, commercial, motorcycle, classic car, non-standard, liability and more.

When your insurance company discusses emergency roadside assistance providers, add National Automobile Club to the conversation.
Speak with an Account Executive to learn more about the features and benefits of partnering with National Automobile Club, including our latest promotion available to insurance companies.
Visit our insurance landing page and fill out the request for information form to be contacted by an Account Executive.
24/7 Nationwide Emergency Roadside Assistance for All Vehicle Classes 1-8
